Sunday, September 19, 2010


For the longest time, I have been puzzled by the details of everyday life. Being a person who is not good with details, I would often need someone to tell me what was happening in a movie or a TV show. I even got the characters mixed up. Now, even I mistook TV commercials for new shows.

With all sincerity, I tried to organise myself, my things and no matter how hard I tried, I am lost in the whirlpool of details. I tried Outlook calendar, PDA and reminders…yet could not keep up the speed.

My DISC profile says I am not a person of detail. Period.

If you are like me, I got a piece of news for you: You can keep trying improving on your weaknesses until the cow comes home and still be struggling.

So I say: forget it.

Instead, enjoy whatever you are doing. And do whatever you are enjoying.

There are lots of people out there who love to do what you hate to do. And hate to do the stuff you love to do.

Whatever you love and enjoy doing and keep doing it – soon, your strengths will expand and you will become very good at what you are doing.

So what about your weaknesses?

Focus on your strengths. Farm out your weaknesses.

And if you have people who are willing to support your weaknesses with their strengths, your name shall be called "lucky."

That’s why we are so different from each other.

That’s why we should not complain about these differences…but to celebrate the differences.

Next time, when you see your partner being different, compliment him instead of crticising his uniqueness.

Try it!

And see the difference!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed !

    Some people mistakenly think that the faster they rush out and close off the problem, the faster they can relax and enjoy the rest of the day. But I can say this for sure..if you do this, you are reinforcing the fact that this is a "stress-related" problem.

    I used to hate solving problems and look forward to ticking off my to-do list but it didn't stop the anxiety whenever I see the list growing. For that matter, even when the list reduces after a week, it grows back again the week after. Short of ending my miserable life, I decided to the following:

    Since I had to this "problem-solving" matter everyday (apart from other tasks), I asked myself which part of it did I enjoy the you say, to enjoy what I do. Part of my job relates to helping my client understand what it is that they and I have to go through. So although, I am not good at certain details, but I am better at condensing those details into something manageable.

    So I did myself a favor, I condensed my own work-related problems into something I can manage, at my own pace. Now everything else falls into place because of this system. It doesn't become a "problem" anymore but something that I embraced to do on a daily basis. The anxiety is not there anymore due to the desensitisation and exposure. Sure, there are always new things that give us stress, but because I have since learned that most things are manageable; I am not as freaked out anymore.
