Monday, February 15, 2010

Just Be

When January came, I told myself that I was not ready for the new year. Now, we are in the middle of the second month and I am still not quite ready for February yet.

The past few days had been – very hectic, indeed, due to the festivities. There were lots of visitations, travelling and interacting with business partners.

Yes, we strive, do multi-task and get distracted. This morning, I messaged a dear friend only to discover that the message was quite disconnecting: all because my mind was cluttered and restless.

So, I am going to be – Just be.

For the next few hours, I am just going to ease up. Forget about facebook, or the iphone or answering messages. This is going to be – me time.

Me and me alone!

I am just going to quiet down and to feel what it means to just be – without the striving and the noise.

To find myself – and to be a human once again!

Shhh! Just be!

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