Sunday, December 27, 2009

Eating Desserts First

"Each time I browse through the obituaries and don't find my name there, I feel relieved!" Friends have heard that joke from me umpteen times over, but today when the joke comes to mind, it brings a whole new meaning.

Today is different. My Aunty had passed away. This brings the number of people I love who had passed away this year to four - all of them quite sudden deaths.

Although she had no titles to her name, my Aunt lived a full life. She was a bubbly lass, always caring and reaching out to others. She gave cheerfully, sacrificially, and put others before herself. In church, she would ask how we - myself, my sister and my mother - were doing. Her subtle actions towards me and my family touched me greatly. I write this and vivid memories of her surface in my mind.

I ponder over the death of my three loved ones and make a decision:
Life is short.
Grab every opportunity
. Once it passes, it might rarely come again.

Today I ponder over my most recent loss, and suddenly something clicks -
Life is short.

Eat the desserts first
Enjoy life and everything it brings.

I have to learn to let go of things that don't matter - the anxiousness, the anger and the disapproval of others. I want to live in the present - the here and now; and enjoy it. Only then am I able to unconditionally love someone.

Seriously, in my opinion: in life, nothing much matters except loving myself and others.

Death ends a life, not a relationship. Aunty, David, Frank and Anthony, by dying, you teach me how to live in a whole new way.

And to enjoy my desserts first!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So sorry about your losses, Danny. Looking forward to attending your talks in church setting. What you are saying makes sense cos if we grab every opportunity and eat the desserts as they come, that would translate (for me) - to be grateful and not gripe over what "should have been". That would be being ungrateful to the One who put me on earth and not living to my fullest potential. Thanks for the reminder. God bless! Nancy
